Logic in Interactive Systems

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For many scenarios we want to reduce complex conditions into ones that can be represented as true or false. We can tackle many of these issues with the Logic CHOP or with a bit of clever math. Distance is also often a valuable measurement we can use for understanding when to trigger changes in our networks. Distance is an easy computation, and we can think of it in both 2D and 3D contexts. 

Logic also often relies on confidence. In many scenarios, data from sensors might be noisy or inconsistent. For that reason we often need to think about how to make confident decisions. When working with sensor data, we might think of confidence as a measurement over time. For example, we might think of this as the difference between someone walking past an installation versus someone standing in front of it. How long we detect a person in our target region helps give us the confidence we need to begin an interaction cycle. 

There are many other elements to consider when working with Logic, but these are some useful footholds that will help us make more compelling work.

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