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The OP Create Dialog is our primary tool for adding operators to a TouchDesigner network. We can access the OP Create Dialog with the Tab key, by double-clicking in the network, or by using the Add Operator button (+) in TouchDesigner interface.
When opening the OP Create Dialog you’ll see that operators are separated in different families:
You can quickly move between the different operator families with the Tab key, and you can highlight a specific operator by using the search field at the top of the Dialog. Each family of operators are used for a specific type of operation. Operators in the same family can be wired together, to create flows of data between OPs.
When looking at the OP Create Dialog each family contains both “generators” and “filters” – these are signified by variations in the color of the operators. Generators are a darker shade of the family color, generate data, and only have an output. Filters are the lighter shade of the family color, have both an input and output, and are used to transform the data of a given family.